7 Powerful Daily Affirmations to Rewire Your Subconscious Mind

7 Powerful Daily Affirmations to Rewire Your Subconscious Mind

Affirmations are a stepping stone to a better you. Take the time to start reprogramming your brain with positive thoughts every day and watch as the magic starts to happen. 

If you’re anything like most people, your mind is constantly overloaded with thoughts. 

Don’t worry, It’s totally normal. 

But, how many of those thoughts are positive? Do you find yourself thinking negatively about yourself or others? 

According to FinacialPost.com, we produce up to 50,000 thoughts a day, and 70% to 80% of those are negative. This statistic shocked me when I first read it, but let’s be real, society has turned us into negative-thinking creatures by nature. Not only that, but social media has a huge part to play in this cycle - we’re literally reading everyone’s thoughts all day. Even if 50% of what we’re reading is negative, it’s bound to have an effect on our personal thinking habits. 

It seems impossible to escape right? (Wrong).

Your thoughts are your responsibility. You have full control over your mindset and what energy you are putting out into the world. That’s why personal development is SO important. 

Understanding Your Subconscious Mind

Every day we encounter situations that impact who we are and who we become. It’s something that has been happening since you were born. Your parents, teachers, friends, and the world around you have all taught and influenced you from since you can remember. 

Even though we grow up and evolve into our own identities, those influences still have a HUGE impact on your decision-making and who you are today. Think of it like Google, when you’re running a bunch of tabs at once, (which I'm so guilty of), you might not notice it, but it’s taking up space in your computer's RAM. That is how your subconscious mind operates. 

The subconscious mind reminds us of right and wrong and helps us process decisions. But sometimes, it lies to us. Now and then, it says things like, “You’re not good enough” or, “You can’t do that”. And guess what, most of the time when negative thoughts creep in, they stay for good until YOU decide it’s not true. 

“Whether you think you can; or can’t, You're Right.” - Henry Ford

How Affirmations can Rewire your brain 

I’m sure you’ve heard of affirmations before, but in case you haven’t, affirmations are short phrases usually starting with “I am”, which you say out loud to yourself or write down. They are capable of rewriting your subconscious if you repeat them frequently. 

Plus, the more you say these positive and encouraging phrases aloud, the more likely you are to believe them.

So, how do we discover which affirmations are right for us? It all begins with acknowledging the negative thoughts which are present in our lives and don't serve us, then reframing them. 

For example, if you look in the mirror and automatically think, “I hate my body”, a reframe of that would sound like, “I am learning to love my body". 

When I was beginning my personal development journey, I found that using affirmations was the most effective way of changing my mindset. I’ve tried so many different personal development tips and tricks, some that I liked and some that I didn’t; but, affirmations are still something I continue to use 20 years later. 

Below I've shared 7 powerful affirmations that I've found useful. I hope that they help you as much as they have helped me:

7 POWERFUL Affirmations That You Can Say Everyday to bring More Joy Into Your Life.

  1. I am grateful for the people I have in my life.
  2. I grow and improve every day.
  3. My life is full of potential.
  4. I have the power to change.
  5. I love myself fully.
  6. ​I am good enough.
  7. I am in control of how I live my life.

You don’t have to say all 7 every day. The key is to choose the one (or a few) that stands out to you. If you’re new to using affirmations, write them down somewhere that you glance at often and say them aloud each time you see them. Saying them in your head will work to improve your thought patterns, but saying them out loud is WAY more powerful. 

Affirmations are a stepping stone to a better you. Take the time to start reprogramming your brain with positive thoughts every day and watch as the magic starts to happen. 

Let me know your favourite affirmation in the comments below!